
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-23
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Abstract:The rattan furniture is mankind's civilization and mankind to live the outcome of fulfillment, undertake in people's life importance of of mission, live well satisfying of the physical life and the ability exaltation of appreciating beauty of people along with people, and busy work with heavy of living pressure and rapid of living the rhythm let people's spirit be placed in depressive status over a long period of time, people need more emotion concern, while the emotion of rattan furniture's turning a design is also proper to the season but living.At high technology of furniture in the modernization Be not the material appearance of a kind of simplicity any more, people request to have to have the exchanges of deep time between thing and person, design along with the product gradually diversified, with the heart emotion of the full value person need and spirit demand for the basal emotion turn design and have become a kind of inevitable, concretely analyze the rattan furniture of our country present condition development the factor and design main factor of check and supervision, therefore the emotion turns of the design will become one of the contemporary rattan furniture development trends, the emotion of the furniture turns and also influences the production mode of the business enterprise at the same time and make it make to order a transformation from large numbers of quantity.

 This topic passes and discusses emotion and turns science at rattan furniture an application and study in the emotion and turn the theory foundation of the design on combine a modern rattan furniture design, combine Norman emotion and turn and design a book and carry on analysis, turned a design to carry on a thorough study to the rattan furniture emotion.

Key Words:Rattan furniture, the emotion turns, the emotion turns a design





上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本课题通过论述情感化在藤家具的科学应用,研究在情感化设计的理论基础之上结合现代藤家具设计,结合诺曼的情感化设计一书进行分析,对藤家具情感化设计进行了深入探讨。......
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