
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-23
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Abstract:Pet product furniture design is an engineering with both strong comprehensiveness in modern society and industry characteristic. The business environment of modern society becomes that with more diversification, so the customers pay attention to their requirements which become more and more personalized. Therefore, “human” is the most basic. However, we should also attach importance to both the applicability to the pets and the beauty which is convenient to people and harmony with environment. Though the pet product is used by the pets actually, they are taken good care of their owners, so the core of pet product furniture designed should not only take pets as centre but also be designed for human use. What’s more, it sill needs to combine with the family environment!

  This paper discusses “humanized design of Pet suitability”. It induces and analyzes humanized design that used by keepers and Pet suitability after using the product. Summary and analysis explain every factor that humanized design which is suitable for pet use contains, and further elaborate the importance of people-oriented to pet product design. Also, the data could be used in my Graduation design work so that it can be discusses from the design of humanization and suitability of different directions and levels.

Key Words:Pet product design、humanized design、with the family environment





上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本文通过对宠物产品设计的人性化应用分析总结,运用到产品设计中,讲主人与宠物生活的的感情,融入到设计当中,根据对宠物习性的分析,在设计中制作较大的空间,提高主人和宠......
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