
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-23
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   褶的含义是衣裙折叠所长生的纹痕,皱的含义是因物体表面紧缩或揉捏而形成的纹路。服饰上的褶皱是服装造型中常用的面料塑形手法,是改变面料原有型台属性和面貌特征的重要手段之一,一般将面料进行有序或随意自然的揉捏,叠加或者堆砌,似的平面的面料具有立体效果。从平面到立体, 褶皱的不同表现贯穿于从面料的设计到服装的造型变化的整个过程, 在服装造型中具有特殊性、多样性以及不可代写论文替代性。在实际创作过程中, 应结合功能主义与唯美主义, 更好地运用褶皱来表达服装造型。



Abstract:Folk costumes rich cultural resource, is a modern clothing design an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Of the Chinese folk dress in shape and decorative details --- fold, and discuss its cultural and artistic value as well as our reference in modern clothing design. Analyzed the shape and decorative features of folds, and from the perspective of formal beauty of their design concept of modern clothing; found that the traditional dress in the folds of practical and aesthetic value is one of the important cultural development of modern dress performance of meaning. The combination of the common form of traditional dress in the folds of the utility value. 

   Fold is the meaning of dress patterns produced by folding marks; wrinkle is the  meaning of surface constraints due to the formation of lines or kneading. Dress in costumes on the fold is commonly used in fabric shaping approach is to change the fabric properties and appearance characteristics of the original form an important means, generally orderly or random natural fabric of kneading, stack or pile, which a plane The fabric has a three-dimensional effect 。From to sculpture, performance throughout the different folds from the fabric design to the clothing style changes throughout the process, the garment has a special shape, diversity, and irreplaceable. In the actual creation process, should be combined with functionalism and aestheticism, better use of the fold to express costumes.

Key words:Fold,Pile ,Three-dimensional, Superposition






上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:皱褶服装使机织成衣具备了针织服饰的优点。可称为是服装研发中的一枝奇葩。如果厂家能在在面料肌理图案的运用结款式设计不断推陈出新,必然具有良好的市场前景。......
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