
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-22
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In the socialist core values guide middle school ideological and political teachers' ethics construction


Abstract: Ethics has been an important content of teacher team construction, in today's complex education environment appears more important. In the socialist core values guide teacher's ethics construction is the request of the ages. We need to give play to the role of the theory of socialist core values guide, from the system construction to the individual moral consciousness education, from the feet, and promote the unity of the construction of the moral standards. Exemplary role the guidance of teachers to students, not only reflect on their ideas, but also in daily specific actions. As a student is a model, teacher only live morally, to lead by example, for the purpose of khalid ents, to promote and practice the socialist core values as own duty, to cultivate a large number of qualified socialist successors for our country.

Keywords: The teacher's ethics construction, The system of socialist core values,The ideological and political education

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:师德可以拆解为教师和道德这两个词。随着中国传统文化的日新月异,“教师”和“道德”两个词随之演化与发展,其含义也慢慢地发生了改变,为深刻理解师德的涵义,必须对这两个......
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