
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-22
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摘要:朱熹和陆九渊,同一时代的两大儒者,在学术上各有自己的观点,历来成为人们关注的焦点 。本文是从朱陆二人对完满人格的追求这一特殊角度出发,比较了他们二人在学术思想上的异同点,主要包括了他们各自的理论基础、修行方式和认知实践等角度。朱陆之争从广义上来看,并不仅仅是朱熹和陆九渊的学术主张之争,而是在儒家内部不同观点的碰撞,是坚持儒家为人之方的不同路径选择。



The similarities and differences between Lu Jiuyuan and zhu Xi of pursuit perfect personality


Abstract: Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan are in the same time of the two Confucians.In the academic they have their own points of view.And people always pay attention to them.This article is from the pursuit of the perfect personality of this special point of view, compared to the two people in the academic thinking of the similarities and differences.,main including the base of theory,the way of  practice,the pratice of cognizing.In general,Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan’s argument is not just competing of Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan's academic ideas, but in different views of the Confucian internal collision is persisting Confucianist for people of different path choice.

Key Words:ZhuXi;Lu Jiu-yuan; Li; Morality; Perfect personality 

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:朱熹与陆九渊都生活在动荡不安的南宋时代。作为同时代的学术上的泰山北斗,朱熹与陆九渊有着各自不同的观点。《文史通义》中指出,“宋儒有朱、陆,千古不可合之同异,亦千古......
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