
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-22
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The opportunities and challenges of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities in the network era


Abstract: network is complex with its interactive, openness, instant of some characteristics, innovation of the College Ideological and political education contents and methods, so that the ideological and political education of colleges and universities to present some new characteristics, bring unknown opportunities and great challenges to the ideological and political education work. In the era of network improve the efficiency of Ideological and political education work to build the new ideological and political education team, build the position of Ideological and political education, innovation education mode, reform teaching methods, strengthen network security and network monitoring public opinion. 

Key words: network era, colleges and universities, ideological and Political Education

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:毫无疑问,互联网在教育领域的出现和使用,也将给高校的思想政治教育工作带来新的变化。因而,在互联网时代下,综合分析影响高校思想政治教育工作的因素,抓住机遇,迎接挑战......
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