
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-26
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关键词:后危机时代  政府干预   政府与市场


Abstract:In order to deal with the global economic crisis in 2008, Chinese government finally won the crucial success of “guaranteed growth” by carrying out proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy. However, different kinds of threats lie behind the growth, like domestic demand stimulus forces and structural imbalance becomes more serious after the accomplishment of systems such as investment, education, medical care, housing, pension and so on.Through the effective analysis to Chinese government intervention in the market after the economic crisis, this paper carries on a profound discussion on the malfunction of government intervention, then makes further researches on the relationship between the government and market in the Post Financial Crisis Era, and finally puts forward reasonable suggestions on how to handle the relationship between government and market properly. This will be helpful for us to know more clearly about the role of government and market, to sum up the experience and to make up for each other’s deficiencies, which will discipline the government’s behavior and give full play to the advantages to the market to ensure the sustainable and stable growth of our country’s economy.

Keywords: Post Financial Crisis Era  government intervention  government and market


上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:通过对中国政府在金融危机之后对市场的干预措施的效应分析,深层次探讨造成政府干预失灵的原因,从而进一步研究在后危机时代政府与市场的关系,最后对我国应如何正确处理政府......
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