
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-26
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Abstract:Market-oriented economy’s reform and opening up has promoted rapid economic development in China. At the same time, it has accelerated the process of the differentiation interests in contemporary Chinese society, resulting in the growing gap between rich and poor. This gap constitutes one of the important risk factors to impact on social stability, social harmony and social development. In a word, the question of Chinese vulnerable groups has become a social hot spot, which is unique and general. The question of Chinese vulnerable groups attracts the theory and academia’s continuing concern. In recent years the Party and the government do their best to solve many problems the vulnerable groups face, and they have made considerable results. In the context of the era of building a harmonious society, however, the study basing on the government perspective, particularly on how the Government deploys and builds system to protect the rights of vulnerable groups effectively is rare. 

   This article is based on this consideration. With theoretical analysis and other methods, I integrate theory with practice and the reality of information systems analysis and integration. I wish to form the basic idea of vulnerable groups’ rights protection mechanism.

Key words: Government; Vulnerable Groups; Social Justice; Interest and Right Protection






上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:弱势群体问题的实质是人权问题。弱势群体权利保障直接体现了法制的价值目标,加强弱势群体的保护是实现社会和谐的必然要求。本文就当代我国弱势群体相关问题的探讨,某种程度......
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